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Alice Kadosh / Memory in Shapes and Colors – Present between Past and Future

Colors, shapes, structure and texture form a story that preserves memory. In her paintings, Alice Kadosh invokes memory, heritage, culture, essence and experience.
Kadosh brings to the canvas many details and figures, narrating a story from the ingredients of everyday life, bursting with color and vitality. A clear, straightforward, easily understood story conveying joy and optimism. These elements lead to the understanding that these works are considered 'na?ve art.' This genre usually calls for repeated use of patterns and warm, cheerful colors, portraying everyday events without the need to document or copy 'real life.'
Despite not trying to copy, duplicate, represent or create an illusion of reality, Kadosh presents a cultural, historical, local truth, thus preserving objective reality in a subjective manner. The paintings feature a specific reality that is part of Kadosh's personal experiences and deeply etched memories. They present a cultural reality of Mizrahi experiences, combining religious ceremonies, everyday social interactions, oriental architecture and decorative ornaments. These create a documentation of an optimistic memory, a form of yearning for a distant past in another country – a childhood memory.
Kadosh's choice to portray her childhood in a 'childish' manner, is both intriguing and meaningful, lending the memory authenticity and vividness. The artist paints her memories and idealizes them, elevating them in a manner that makes them worthy of a place in her memory and in the memory of future generations. Her style, both free and demanding, enables Kadosh to express and combine thought, emotion and memory, and create art that serves as cultural heritage.
The colorfulness and ornamentation, the dynamics of the figures and the implied events create a memory instilled with joy, and all this solidifies a present based on the past as remembered, and serving the future as a reminder for the next generations.

Dr. Nurit Tzederboim

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