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Edna Benes' Sculptures of Women

Benes' sculptures simultaneously present movement and frozen moments. Each work captures movement in space and freezes it. Benes sculpts an idea, lending a cast physical body to thoughts and ideas. The body of Benes' works is not one straightforward message but rather a collection of variations on one central idea.
The subject of these works deals with femininity, the moving female body, engaged in sports. This is how Benes presents the female figure: liberated, surfing forward or flying, focusing on her personal vision and purpose. A woman without constraints, liberated and free. One can see the basic elements: a body in motion, clothing that expresses style, and other accessories. All of these are not random or spontaneous but are the result of deep intention and contemplation.
Benes' clean and precise figurative sculptures deal with people and are born from observation of the environment and love of humanity. This is a precise, realistic form of sculpture that maintains proportions and presents a certain reality with a story. The completed work in Benes' series of sculptures is a culmination of a deep thought process that forms an idea that becomes a visual product. A series of sculptures on a specific subject is like a collection of words that together form a sentence, or perhaps a collection of sentences that together form a story.
Sartre distinguished between storytelling and art, pointing out that storytelling is the art of time, while visual art – painting and sculpture – is the art of space. Storytelling depicts the development of events over time. Visual art, and in this case, sculpture, describes a specific situation in a given time. Thus, Benes captures movement and freezes it. Still, the viewer can sense the movement, and time cannot stop it. Every movement and every female figure in the sculptures – clothing, body posture, accessories, and facial expression - are all part of the puzzle that speaks of feminine freedom from space – and defines situations where time has no significance. Female power is represented in movement that is frozen in space and stands above time.

Dr. Nurit Yakobs Cederbaum Read more

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